Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hey again, I know I haven't written in a while so here's my first blog of the month. Well, to begin, this blog is in response to "Doughnut-Hole Country". In this, I'm supposed to categorize myself in one of four types of high school graduates. I've been instructed to picture myself where I'd like to end up settling down for the rest of my life. Personally, I'm 17, I feel that maybe it's a bit early for that, but I digress. The categories I have available to choose from follow as such. Achiever, someone who leaves the town or area. Stayer, someone who decides to stay either in the same town or area, or a similar setting. Seeker, someone who wants to travel or join the military. Last but not least comes the Returner. A returner is someone who leaves but decides to come back and settle down. I feel that I'm going to be a Stayer. I don't want to stay in this exact place, but I like the way it is. I'm happy in this small town, rural, back-woodsy section of Maine. Yes, I complain about the weather and how my town has close to nothing do, but I'm absolutely in love with the way the country-side looks when I'm out for a drive with family or friends. Winter, if it weren't so gosh darn cold, would be my favorite time of the year. Personally, I would love it if it could snow, but be 60-69 degrees without it melting. I love to snowboard, have snowball fights, and take my lovely little niece sledding. I may almost be an adult, but I'm a sucker for a good snowball war. If I could choose any place to live, Virginia or North Carolina would be among my top five choices. I've been to Virginia multiple times, mainly to Alexandria and the area that surrounds the town, and each time I fall more in love with the state. If I could choose anywhere to live, I'd most likely choose Virginia. I'd love to be able to walk around in shorts and a t-shirt during Winter. Maybe, just maybe, someday I'll be able to move away from Maine. Hopefully, someday soon.

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